Thursday, October 16, 2008

Molly Moon

Hey it's me - LuNa! (plz doNt call me MollymOOn bcUz that haS nothing 2 Do wiTh my naMe) anyhowssss heReS aBit 'bOUt mE:
I'm short and pretty, I rok! I luv to read. Im frm argentina but i have lived everywhere around da world and now im livin in ireland. Im 12 - almost 13 but i look like a 5yeer old bcuz im tiny. ppl might call me a kno-it-all, but not rly if they kno me. Im in 1st year in secundary skewl (for americans that meens 7th grade) I calld da blog molly moon bcuz i didnt kno wut else 2 call it and i red a book 'bout a hipnotist named molly moon.

so thats all! XD

check out these blogs 2:

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